Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Montreal is a bicycle city, at least in the warm months, and although I don't ride a bicycle, I am supportive of any idea that gets people out of their cars, using people power.

Across town, you'll find green ways, bicycle pumps, trails designed for cycles.
You'll find free bicycles you can borrow and return elsewhere.

This one is a little odd. Sort of a trail, but you can't go too fast. 

Cars are parked in the middle of the street, creating a separated bike freeway. A little scary for pedestrians though.

A bike freeway means advertising opportunities. 

How about movers that transport belongings on custom-built bicycle trailers? Including up and down those iconic Montreal spiral staircases.

There's even instruction in hand signals, in case you weren't paying attention. 

No helmets though. There have been a rash of cyclists injured or killed by cars in the past year. Everyone should slow down.

Almost makes me wish I rode a bike. 

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